Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Colombo, Sri Lanka is a port city of about 1 million, bustling, dynamic and sad, characterized by contrast, the rich, the poor and the homeless. Much of it is slums (no wonder they escape on rusty freighters) while only one of the 15 zones belongs to the elite (mostly politicians) with armed guards and tall, razor-wired fences.

Taxis are covered tricycles that are everywhere - tiny and efficient.

Buddha reigns! Tamils comprise ~8% but the Tamil Tigers have been crushed. Catholic churches and Hindu temples are also present but in lesser numbers.

We are leaving the Indian Ocean now, for the Bay of Bengal, the largest bay in the world. India is to the west but we are heading northeast to the Andaman Sea and Rangoon, Myanmar. We arrive there on Saturday (the 8th) and stay for three days. This will be our longest port stay and we are planning, together with Dave and Anna from Sydney, to rent a car and driver for the three days. We will come back to Nautica for dinner and the nights.

We are now about halfway through our journey and pleased with what we have seen and excited about the ports to come.


  1. Wow, what exciting times for you, and what a lot you are learning about geography and culture. We're so happy that your trip is so enjoyable! Continue to enjoy. Love, Carol and Duane

  2. I am going to read all this to your mom this weekend...she will enjoy hearing all the great adventures you both are having!!!!
